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FAQ for Nihuo Web Log Analyzer
- What are the system requirements for Nihuo Web Log Analyzer?
Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP/2003/Vista
IE 5.0 or higher
Pentium class processor (300 MHz or better recommended).
64 MB RAM ( 256 MB or higher recommended )
256-color or higher display adapter
10 MB free space of hard disk
- Which log file formats can Nihuo Web Log Analyzer analyse
Apache common and combined log file format
Microsoft IIS4/IIS5 W3C extended log file format
NCSA common and combined log file format
If your log file format is not supported by Nihuo Web Log Analyzer
now, please contact
us and send us the specification of your log file format and
a small sample.
- How much is it?
Only US$ 99.00 for full single user license.
- Is there a monthly fee?
No, you only pay a one time fee. After that you install the program
and use it for as long as you wish.
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